But what actually works. I mean you've tried different diets and put your heart and soul into them and maybe you lost some weight but gained it all back plus some. It's sad that 95% of all those who lose weight gain it all back plus some.
The reason is that there are no real approaches to handle or focus on emotional eating which is the primary reason why weight is gained back.
After you've lost the weight and gained it back a few times it's easy to get thoroughly disgusted. Who really knows what they are talking about? Watch TV for a few hours and you'll see two-to-three ads for shakes, pills, and supplements to kill appetite.
But what really works? Even after you agree that you are an emotional eater where do you go for help. You read a few books on the subject and get more confused or find that there's really no direction.
I mean, where do these emotions that contribute to you eating come from? What do you do with them when you have them? How do they impact your life? Can you allow you to feel any emotion? Can you refocus to see what that excess food really means?
These are just a few questions and if whatever book or article you've read doesn't empower you to answer those questions but creates more stress, then it's most likely recycled advice.
What is recycled advice? Answer: the same old advice that's been given for the past four decades--it hasn't work for the masses then and it won't work any better now.
Want some real direction for dealing with emotional eating? Click here.
Want to a cure for emotional binge eating and discover how to identify emotions, embrace them and feel them? You can purchase the, The Scale Conspiracy, (in e-book form) emotional eating now for only $14.95. It's a $39.00 value.
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