Monday, January 11, 2010

Negative Calories Help Lose Weight

Found an interesting article--see below. It has nothing to do with emotional eating except that 90% of those who write about emotional eating suggest eating celery when you feel hungry. Thought you might like to know why in case you already didn't know. Unfortunately his website is no longer active. I googled "negative calorie foods" and then found a site that claims that there is truly no negative calorie food except for perhaps cardboard which can't be digested properly. However, foods that are claimed to be negative calorie foods are:

asparagus, beet, broccoli, green cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery root, celery, chicory, hot chili peppers, cucumber, dandelion, endive, garden cress, garlic, green beans, zucchini, apple, cranberries, grapefruit, lemon, mango, orange, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, tangerine,
lamb's lettuce, lettuce, onion, papaya, radishes, spinach, turnip.

I can understand the vegetables as being negative calorie foods, but most of the fruits?

Here's the article.

The Thermic Effect of Food & Negative Calories

The concept behind the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) and the idea that it is possible to eat Negative Calorie Foods is the fact that eating any food causes your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) to increase because you use energy to eat, digest, and metabolize the food you�ve just eaten. The rise occurs soon after you start eating and peaks two to three hours later. This rise in the BMR can range from between 2-3 per cent, up to 25-30 per cent, depending on the size of the meal and the types offoods eaten. The idea of Negative Calorie Foods is based on the belief that there are certain foods, which use more calories to digest than the amount of calories actually contained in the food! Calories from these foods are much harder for the body to use. In other words, the body has to work hard in order to extract calories from these foods. Even though different foods may contain equal amounts of calories, in Negative Calorie Foods much less of these calories turn into fat, as fewer calories are actually available to the body. This allegedly gives these foods a tremendous natural fat-burning advantage.

The Theory of How it Works

There are six essential nutrients that the human body requires to keep it nourished and healthy; these include; protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Foods have a macronutrient (carbohydrate, fat, and protein), caloric (calories) and vitamin & mineral content. Vitamins stimulate living tissues to produce enzymes that breakdown the caloric nutrients of that food. It is generally accepted that the various categories of macronutrients that are present in the diet will increase BMR by different amounts as shown below:

Fats - raise the BMR 4 per cent

Carbohydrates - raise BMR 6 per cent

Proteins - raise BMR 30 per cent

(It is suggested that hot spicy foods can also have a significant thermic effect: for example foods containing chilli, horseradish and mustard). The overall �Thermic Effect of Food� is considered to utilize roughly 10% of the total calories of food ingested in the �average� diet. However, Negative Calorie Foods are supposed to contain enough vitamins & minerals to produce enzymes in quantities sufficient to break down not only its own calories, but additional calories present in digestion as well. This is the �secret� of The Negative Calorie Foods and the reasoning behind why Negative Calorie Foods may be regarded as �Fat burning Foods� (The Negative Calorie Foods will tend to have maximum benefits when eaten without any �empty calorie foods� i.e. junk foods).

There is much disagreement about the negative calorie diet and some experts are unconvinced about the claims made. Some believe the amount of energy used may be relative to the amount and complexity of the meal ingested. In other words the energy used to digest and absorb may be set as a general percentage of the energy contained in each specific food, thus there cannot ever befoods with negative calories. However, some research has proved that celery does cause a negative energy intake but this is mainly because the energy is "sealed" making the digestive system work harder to obtain its energy content.

It is unclear therefore as to whether negative calorie foods are fact or fiction. There needs to be more research done in order to prove or disprove the theory. Although it seems reasonable to believe that if negative calorie foods help people consume fewer calories AND eat healthier foods, then including lots of these foods as part of an overall balanced diet, can be a positive start to permanent weight loss!

Please visit for more free articles, ideas, and products on how to eat healthy, be healthy, and feel better for life. Remember, nothing tastes as good as fit and trim feels!

Reprint Guidelines
(c) 2007, Howard Jaros, Clinical & Sports Nutritionist. WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEBSITE? Yes, you can, provided you make all links live and include this copyright and by-line at the end of my ezine.

You can purchase the, The Scale Conspiracy, (in e-book form) emotional eating now for only $14.95. It's of unlimited value.

Online store for motivational thoughts:  Self Help, Self Hypnosis, Stress Management Training, Subliminal tapes for self improvement
, Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia using Wakened Hypnosis. New technique resulted in documented 80% success rate

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Motivational thoughts for the New Year

Motivational thoughts for the New Year--Stress Management for the new decade to Stop Emotional Eating.

It seems that every year is met with the same disappointment for the past year and then hope for the new year for those who want to lose weight. The disappointment for the past year seems to be directly proportional to the amount of uncertainties experienced in the previous year.

And those uncertainties are generally proportional to the financial and personal losses suffered during the previous year.

Yet, if we can live in the moment, the financial and personal losses don't impact our attitudes and we can win at emotional eating and overeating.

It's like the study psychologists did with two ten year old boys. One boy came from a well-to-do background and the other ten year old was from a poverty background. The psychologist put the boy from a well-to-do background in a room full of the most advanced toys and the boy from a poverty background in a room full of broken toys. They left the boys alone for a half hour after which they found the boy from a well-to-do background sitting in a chair kind of disappointed. They asked him why he was disappointed, and he replied, "I already have all these toys, I thought you'd have something new and neat."

They found the boy from a poverty background excitedly going through the broken toys and were surprised. They asked him why he was so excited and he replied, "With all this crap around here, there has to be something good someplace and I'm going to find it."

This is truly a model for any stress management training exercise. You add this to the basic stress management techniques such as deep breathing, muscle awareness, exercise, and so on.

I like to remember that story and often wish I could be more effective myself in adopting that attitude on a day-to-day basis. It truly is the challenge and if each of us could do it, we'd be much healthier and happier. Of course you might think it's impracticable, but I suggest that that is merely your limiting beliefs forming that attitude.

We start off each new year with hope and promise that somehow gets side tracked a few months later because we are deficient in motivational thoughts.

Ultimately the answer is in creating a shift in our attitudes so that in the midst of "crap" or disappointment, we can we can be excited about finding something good.

From a stress management training basis, there are two basic things that stand in the way of our doing this:

1. Our self limiting beliefs such as not deserving or our inability to do something.
2. Lack of using affirmations or tools to develop prosperity consciousness. Being in prosperity doesn't mean that disappointments don't happen, it's that instead of being drowned by disappointment that instead we capitalize on them.

What about the stress of dealing with uncertainty? Answer: As you acknowledge it and choose to embrace it you use your affirmations to navigate through uncertainty. The end result is that instead of being glad to get rid of last year, you're pleased and happy with last year. Sure you look forward to the new year--but it's with the same excitement that you looked forward to in each of the last 52 weeks.

To empower your motivational thoughts there are two tapes/cd's for self help programs--The Magic of Affirmations and Prosperity that can make a huge difference in your life.

Of course famous resolutions for the new year are to lose weight and stop smoking or some other hurtful habit. Instead of doing it with hope of something like medications or shakes/gum doing it for you, look to affirmations--not that you won't also use the shakes or gum.

A New Years' resolution that can't lead you astray is to use affirmations--motivational thoughts--every day--they reprogram your intelligence and vibrate with source to provide prosperity and health--the best sort of stress management training so each new year brings you the best of the year possible.

My book will get you a head start on building a healthy attitude for conquering emotional eating to lose weight. I can promise you that it's the best book you will find on the subject or your money back. Instead of having a dozen questions when you've finished it, you'll have dozens of answers and be on the way to dropping lots of pounds. It's a cure for emotional binge eating and it teaches you how to identify emotions, embrace them and feel them?

You can purchase the, The Scale Conspiracy, (in e-book form) emotional eating now for only $14.95. It's of unlimited value.

Online store for motivational thoughts:  Self Help, Self Hypnosis, Stress Management Training, Subliminal tapes for self improvement
, Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia using Wakened Hypnosis. New technique resulted in documented 80% success rate

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Does your GPS Call You a Stupid Ass?

Then why should you?

I was thinking today, as I was using my Tom Tom GPS unit to find a new destination, that I was lucky. Lucky that the Tom Tom doesn't say things like "You stupid ass, you're going in the wrong direction."

But isn't this how many who are overweight talk to themselves? Instead my Tom Tom says, "Turn around when possible," or "Recalibrating." Tom Tom simply doesn't know how to do "put downs" and wouldn't we all be better off is we stopped or forgot how to do "put-downs" whether to ourselves or others.

Can you imagine how you would feel if your GPS system said, "You stupid ass, I told you a mile ago to turn right and no, you just turned left. You're lost and I'm not going to help you! You deserve to be late getting there. "

Self respect is a big part of losing weight (getting where you want to go) with regard to emotional eating and weight loss. How can you lose weight if you treat yourself like a bratty three year old?

My book will get you a head start on becoming your own best friend for conquering emotional eating to lose weight. I can promise you that it's the best book you will find on the subject or your money back. Instead of having a dozen questions when you've finished it, you'll have dozens of answers and be on the way to dropping lots of pounds. It's a cure for emotional binge eating and it teaches you how to identify emotions, embrace them and feel them?

You can purchase the, The Scale Conspiracy, (in e-book form) emotional eating now for only $14.95. It's of unlimited value.

Online store for motivational thoughts:  Self Help, Self Hypnosis, Stress Management Training, Subliminal tapes for self improvement
, Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia using Wakened Hypnosis. New technique resulted in documented 80% success rate

Saturday, January 2, 2010

How Can You Stop Emotional Eating?

Emotional eating is totally misunderstood. Everyone who writes about it and everyone who is in practice working with overweight people blames the eating on the stress causing the emotion.

And their typical solutions are to:
1. listen to relaxing music
2. count to ten before doing anything
3. take a deep breadth
4. drink plenty water
5. call a friend for support
6. go for a walk or exercise
7. tackle the stressor causing the emotion
and the list goes on and on, but isn't this (except maybe for the last one) the same old same ole advice that's been floating around since the beginning of fat being an issue? It's not that you might not do one or more

So if it's not the stress, what is it?
Answer: Its the stress of the emotion itself. If the emotion can be truly felt and experienced, there's no need to dilute it with food.
Do you like to feel bored, down, upset, confused, uncertain and so on? The more you resist these basic emotions the more you eat. It's that simple.
And what about happiness, excitement, love, and so on? Yes, people resist the true form of these emotions too.

You stop emotional eating by learning to become comfortable with the emotions that trigger your eating.

If you want to get ahead dealing with the stress of your emotions I've made it easy for you. Read The Scale Conspiracy e-book. Click here for more information about the e-book. It picks where where all other programs leave off. In fact you apply it with whatever your choice of motivation is. You can use it with any diet, Weight Watchers, any supplements or shakes, medication, exercise program, and so on.

This book will get you a head start on conquering emotional eating to lose weight. I can promise you that it's the best book you will find on the subject or your money back. Instead of having a dozen questions when you've finished it, you'll have dozens of answers and be on the way to dropping lots of pounds. It's a cure for emotional binge eating and it teaches you how to identify emotions, embrace them and feel them?

You can purchase the, The Scale Conspiracy, (in e-book form) emotional eating now for only $14.95. It's of unlimited value.

Online store for motivational thoughts:  Self Help, Self Hypnosis, Stress Management Training, Subliminal tapes for self improvement
, Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia using Wakened Hypnosis. New technique resulted in documented 80% success rate